Local memorial fund, Annie's Angels (anniesangels.org), has made a generous donation to increase music therapy services for preschoolers with special needs at the Morrison Center in Wells, Maine. With their matching donation we are able to provide weekly group music therapy to all students at the Wells location! Thank you Annie's Angels!
Our group music therapy sessions target the following goals:
Beginning academic skills
Following directions
Increasing attention
Impulse control
Expressive/Receptive language
Social skills
Self expression
The best part about music therapy is that kids don't know they're working! Working with children with special needs has always been my passion. These children will have to work harder than most of their typically developing peers and music therapy is an effective and FUN intervention for helping them reach their goals. We believe all children should have access to this music based learning intervention and we thank Annie's Angels for helping increase services at the Morrison Center in Maine!